Season 3 Episode 8 - Xmas Special - This Podcast Stinks!

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Kingdom Come Deliverance: 20:18 - 21:30

Another 39:15 - 39:33

Requiem for a Dream 1:07:12 - 1:07:26

Metal Gear Solid 4: 1:17:39 - 1:19:10

Undertale 1:28:07 - 1:28:33

Earthbound (of course)

You cannot grasp the true form of this podcast! We discuss the cult classic SNES game Earthbound and the influence it had on us playing it growing up.

Also in this episode: ham hock inflation, sausage making woes, Armored Core Fires of the Rubicon, Witcher news, 1899 on Netflix, SSSS Gridman, and more! Jason is also now a "professional musician" (technically) with the release of his black metal album Burning the Dead for Power by Abyssalant!

Hope you had a safe and happy holiday and look forward to more podcasts in 2023! Starting with these albums for next time:

Mastodon - Remission

Delta Sleep - Younger Years (EP)

Steven's Mixtape #2